Saturday, March 4, 2023

Why dandelions bring me joy

I have a special place in my heart for dandelions.  You see, most people see a weed.  I see a child's ability to blow the seeds.  Our fifth daughter, Lillian is 16 and nothing in this world has come easily for her.  Many years ago, I found myself crying as I mowed down the dandelions in the yard. All I could think of was the joy I had as I watched her pick one of those "weeds" and be able to make the seeds fly off. It took her years of therapy to be able to blow.  She is 16 and cannot blow up a balloon, but I'll never forget the day she blew the seeds off the dandelion AND to this day, she still loves to pick them.  When I saw this stencil at, I knew I had to have it.  I'm fairly clueless to mixed media...but I have a huge youtube education...HA!  I had purchased these Vicki Boutin stencil butters at Tuesday Mornings at least four years ago and never used them, so when the stencil arrived I practiced with the gold and silver.  They were beautiful in and of themselves.  I did little else to them so the stencil could shine.  I kind of regret adding all the pops of color to the gold version, but live and learn.  The person who received it, loved it and that's all that matters to me!

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